[BOOK|EPUB] I Can Count!

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Two siblings, orphaned at an early age, have grown apart as adults. Sammy, the older of the two, has stayed in the small town of their childhood. A single mother, she works in the local bank and leads a steadfast moral life with her young son. Terry, her younger brother whom she helped raise, has become a self-destructive roamer with a taste for the wilder side of life. When Terry comes for a visit, I Can Count! mere presence begins to crack the veneer of Sammy's well-ordered existence. Each is uneasy with the person the other one has become; the one tangible thing that keeps them together is the family home left to them by their parents. It also becomes the meeting place of their hearts and minds as they struggle to reconcile their conflicting lives with the love that binds them together. This is a subtle, deft character study that features strong performances by the two leads. Laura Linney's trademark awkward strength -- exhibited here by her clearing a nightstand, everything crashing to the floor, then silently wondering if she did it correctly -- is on full display as well as her moments of giddiness, similar to the staircase celebration in Love Actually. Mark Ruffalo plays the troubled rebel well. I did think the film's pacing was too slow at points. And there are some moments in the narration when I wondered if the film had a thematic purpose. It doesn't; we just get to know some people during the film's two hours. An example of the film's stuttered narration: I didn't see the motive for Sammy to bring in the priest to talk to her brother, and the first scene had very little to do with the rest of the film. Overall, it's great to see a good character study, but a well-constructed story following it is missing from this relatively strong film. I saw a little of this film, and found myself drawn in by it's realness and well portrayed characters by Mark Ruffalo, Laura Linney, and Rory Culkinof the talented Culkin clan. It centers around a brother and sister who were orphaned as children due to the death of their parents in a car accident. The sister grows to become a single mother living in the very same Catskill town raising an 8 year old son. When her brother who just seems to float around arrives for a visit, things come to the surface of the sleepy town of Scottsville New York for better or I Can Count! depending on the viewpoint or timing. Terry Ruffalo bonds with Rudy Culkinand wants to give him a broader perspective that he lacks in his small-town childhood by showing and telling him things that have been lost to his fathertless existence. Simplicity is really what makes this film work because there are no big bugdget Hollywood effects. The film's wheels turn with no more than an apt score and some fine acting revealing characters like those you may know in your very life.

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